Module Summary: AMP-IT-UP - Crab Friend or Foe?
Students model and graph scientific investigation data related to pheromone concentration versus blue crab mating and predator events. They analyze rate of change and use proportional reasoning to select the mix of predators that will balance the ecosystem of an aquarium display.
Link to Lesson Plan PDF (pending)
For Teachers:
For Students:
- Video - Aquarium Display Challenge - A video discussing how pheromones are used by crabs.
- Video - Predator/Prey - A video discussing the food chain and the predator/prey relationship.
- Video - Blue Crab/Sea Turtle - A video of a sea turtle feeding.
Complete Set of Module Files:
Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping Integrated To Unlock Potential (AMP-IT-UP)
is made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award Number: 1238089)