Module Summary: AMP-IT-UP - Riding the Concrete Wave (Part II)
Students engage as product reviewers for the SkateTech company’s website to craft a product review of various helmets for various abilities of skateboarders. The module covers some basic concepts regarding energy, energy transfer and brain injuries in sports, while mostly introducing and reinforcing the concept that good decisions are made on scientific evidence.
Link to Lesson Plan PDF (pending)
For Teachers:
For Students:
- Video - Head Injuries Technology - A video about researchers and engineers from Georgia Tech and Emory University that have collaborated together to develop a medical device that can be used to assess the effects of concussions.
Complete Set of Module Files:
Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping Integrated To Unlock Potential (AMP-IT-UP)
is made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award Number: 1238089)