Module Summary: AMP-IT-UP - Some Assembly Required
Students simulate packaging procedures to determine which procedure is the most consistent and efficient in creating the greatest number of wall hanger kits. Students reason quantitatively using measures of center and variability to construct and defend arguments regarding the best procedure.
Link to Lesson Plan PDF (pending)
For Teachers:
For Students:
- Video - Meals for Kids - A video showing the assembly line process of people packaging meals for kids.
- Video - Flockheed Eggcraft Factory - A video cartoon showing the assembly line process of eggs being packaged.
- Video - Charlie Chaplin - Modern Times - A video of Charlie Chaplin working on an assembly line.
- Video - Krispy Kreme - A video of the assembly line process for Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.
Complete Set of Module Files:
AMP-IT-UP Packaging "Some Assembly Required" Challenge Module Attribution ©2012-2020
Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping Integrated To Unlock Potential (AMP-IT-UP)
is made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award Number: 1238089)