AMP-IT-UP 7th Oil Spill Challenge


Module Summary: AMP-IT-UP - Oil Spill Drill

Students engage as environmental engineers to develop a procedure that would remove the largest amount of oil from the ocean in the shortest time possible in the event of a large-scale oil spill. The module covers some basic concepts on how human actions impact an ecosystem and different methods of reducing the damage of oil spills on the environment.

For Teachers:

Annotated Teacher Edition - The teacher edition of the Whale Challenge curriculum that has been annotated with notes and tips for teachers.
Prep Guide - Instructions on how to implement the module. Includes information about the standards that the module addresses and how to incorporate the 5E learning model.
Materials List - List of all materials that are needed for the module. List includes the cost and vendors of the materials.
Supply Check List - Spreadsheet used to check that all materials needed for the module are present.

For Students:

Student Edition - The module curriculum booklet for students.
Student Pages Packet - The worksheets that students will need to complete the module.

Histogram Worsheet - Oil Spill Challenge histogram worksheet.


  1. Video - Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill - A video about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the damage it caused to the surrounding
  2. Video - Cleaning Up Oil Spills - A video about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill clean up.

Complete Set of Module Files:

Download a complete package of the module here