AMP-IT-UP 7th Board Game Piece Challenge


Module Summary: AMP-IT-UP - It's Game Time

Students use different measurement tools and create procedures to determine the dimensions of a set of 3-D printed geometric solids.  They then calculate the area, surface area, and volume to determine which pieces best satisfy a set of requirements for a new board game piece.

For Teachers:

Annotated Teacher Edition - The teacher edition of the Automated Packaging Challenge curriculum that has been annotated with notes and tips for teachers.
Prep Guide - Instructions on how to implement the module. Includes information about the standards that the module addresses and how to incorporate the 5E learning model.
Materials List - List of all materials that are needed for the module. List includes the cost and vendors of the materials.
Materials Prep Guide - Instructions on how to prepare the materials for the module
Supply Check List - Spreadsheet used to check that all materials needed for the module are present.
Labels for piece set bags 1 - 5 - This is a word doc to use with Avery label 5168.
Labels for piece set bags 1 - 5 - This is a pdf version of the labels.
Sticker Sheet - Sheet full of the images for stickers to test on pieces these should be printed on standard paper.
Printed Part Dimensions - Document listing the dimensions of the 3D printed materials.

For Students:

Student Edition - The module curriculum booklet for students.
Student Pages Packet - The worksheets that students will need to complete the module.


  1. Video - 3D Game Piece - A video of an interview with a company that produces 3D game pieces..

Complete Set of Module Files:

Download a complete package of the module here


Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping Integrated To Unlock Potential (AMP-IT-UP)
is made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award Number: 1238089)